Music theorist, ethnographer, and teacher completing a PhD candidate at Harvard University. She enjoys walking along the water and time among friends.
Jeff Banks
Campus minister with InterVarsity at Harvard, working with graduate students and faculty. When not meeting students for coffee, you can find him running around on a soccer field or running around with his two kids and dog.
Lexi Carver
Engineer and writer currently studying conflict resolution. She loves rainstorms, theology, and interesting problems.
Abbie Chen
Chemistry teacher currently pursuing an EdM degree at Harvard Graduate School of Education. Abbie is passionate about helping adolescents and young adults develop identities and lead lives of purpose.
geoffrey Edwards
Music Theorist, Composer and Cellist finishing a Masters degree at Boston University. He enjoys Concerts, nature exploration, and puzzle/problem solving challenges.
Naomi Fedna
Writer of honest fiction, student of theology, thinker and graduate student at Harvard Divinity School. She enjoys savory foods, rich community and flowers in bloom.
Eric Hsu
A youth development worker supporting high school students in Boston, Eric is curious about (and easily distracted by) nearly everything. He likes climbing, playing video games, and attempting to become a better chef.
sean lau
A final year law student at Harvard Law School. He is originally Australian, and before coming to the United States completed his doctorate in theology at the University of Oxford.
Kelly Madden
Founder of the Boston Fellows and Director of Graduate Studies at the International Leadership Foundation who has worked in 45 countries on five continents. Kelly taught Social Ethics and Personal Leadership Development and deepened the academic standards of the International Leadership University's six graduate schools in Africa.
Emily Reckard-mota
An urban farmer and youth engagement coordinator. Emily enjoys swimming in lakes and thoughtful conversations.
Joy shim
PhD candidate in philosophy at Princeton University. She enjoys deep conversations about shallow topics.
Lewis Warren Jr.
Versatile pianist currently pursuing a Performance Diploma at SMU. Lewis enjoys spontaneous worship, arranging music, and meaningful community.
Pete Williamson
Deacon at Church of the Cross, Boston and an Intervarsity campus minister with grad students at Harvard.